About Me

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The Kukis are indigenous people of Zale’n-gam, ‘Land of Freedom’. Zale’n-gam refers to the contiguous ancestral lands situated in present-day Northeast India, Northwest Burma and the Chittagong Hill tracts in Bangladesh. In India, this includes areas in Assam, Tripura, Nagaland and Manipur; in Burma, predominantly the Sagaing Division, and in Bangladesh, the Chittagong Hill tracts. Prior to the advent of the British colonialists in the twentieth-century, the Kukis were an independent people in their undivided domain, each of the clans governed by the Chief according to its own law, custom and tradition. The Kuki people in Manipur are listed in alphabetical order: Aimol, Anal, Changsen, Chiru, Chongloi, Chothe, Doungel, Guite, Gangte, Hangshing, Haokip, Hmar, Kharam, Koireng, Kolhen, Kom, Kipgen, Lamkang, Lenthang (Telien), Lhanghal, Lhangum, Lhouvum, Lhungdim, Lunkim, Maring, Mate, Milhem, Monshang, Muyon, Paite, Purum, Simte, Singsit, Sitlhou, Tarao, Touthang, Vaiphei and Zou. By: khailet@ Ryan k. Guite t.guite@hotmail.com /// Kgk@europe.com Ph: +4531177173 Office: +45288616017.

Saturday, November 26, 2011



Education Makes us NobleEducation could be seen as wings for the progress of the human being. It helps the individual to attain intellectual, physical and spiritual or emotional progress. In some ways, it helps the individual to live a happier life. For people without education, living comfortably turns difficult, especially in the modern world where specific skills are often needed to work. Besides, education is real wealth. Understanding how the world around us functions produces happiness, a kind of happiness that does not disappear. True education dignifies the individual.
Education moves us forward

Education not only creates a better human being but also contributes to the tranformation of society. We are summoned to take forward our community, village, city, State, world. But to get that we need tools. The tools to improve the world are not fighting ideologies, or weapons –as many have tried thorough history- but knowledge, sciences, arts. Those tools empower the people who sincerely want to see a more just world. Further more, the paradox that we find our selves happy when we forget our own self and focus on the wellbeing of other is true. Working to improve the society through the tools education provides, helps us to develop our own capacities, and brings us peace and tranquility, although that is not the motive.
Having said this, we should be mindful that each of us has a double purpose in life, developing our own potentialities, and bettering the kind of world we live in. And the best weapon to walk firmly in these two paths the answer lies in education.

Party Time.

Party Time.

“If you want to
enjoy anything,
always think
today is the first day
If you want to achieve anything
always think today is the last day.

*”Always”* Welcome A New Day With A *”Smile”* On Ur *”Lips”*& *”"*”Good”*”"* *”Thoughts”* *In Mind*
A new sun A new day A new sms Asking u to forget all ur worries sorrows & tears for someone who wants to see you happy



I never knew there would be a better tomorrow
But you've come into my life and 
taken away 
all my sorrow   My days of sadness 
are a thing of the past  Because I 
have found true love at last   My 
days of emptiness are gone for good  
Because you fill a void in my heart 
you should   You've opened a window  
You've shown me the light  And my 
love for you will continue to 
burn bright. 

Industries Technical Machines

Industries Technical Machines.CNC-Computer Numiracally Controlled.

As the industrial technician, you will among other things, to make machine parts of metal. Parts can either be formed on a lathe or sign on a computer.You'll work with the latest machinery and production methods in the iron and metal industry. As the industrial technician, you work for example in the manufacture of marine engines, industrial robots, and learn to handle computer-controlled machines.
The work requires high concentration and manufacturing, a fraction of a millimeter make all the difference. Here is the dream job for you that will combine the craftsmanship skills with creative ideas and great precision.
Industrial engineer has been an important person through iron and machinery industry history. But the name is new. Earlier he called a machinist.


Som industritekniker kommer du blandt andet til at lave maskindele af metal. Delene kan enten blive formet på en drejebænk eller tegnet på en computer. Du kommer til at arbejde med de nyeste maskiner og produktionsformer inden for jern- og metalområdet. Som industritekniker arbejder du for eksempel med fremstilling af skibsmotorer og industrirobotter, og du lærer at håndtere computerstyrede maskiner.

Arbejdet kræver stor koncentration og i fremstillingen kan en brøkdel af en millimeter gøre hele forskellen. Her er drømmejobbet for dig, der vil kombinere håndværksmæssige færdigheder med kreative ideer og stor præcision.

Industriteknikeren har været en vigtig person op gennem jern- og maskinindustriens historie. Men navnet er nyt. Tidligere gik han under navnet maskinarbejder.